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Did You Know? Radioactive Isotopes Facts
- Isotopes are regulated substances under the CNSC's Nuclear Safety and Control Act. Production, processing, storage and transportation of isotopes must be licensed by the authority
- Approximately 140 radioisotopes are used worldwide in medical applications.
- The number of radionuclides licensed in Canada for medical purposes are about 60% of this
- The material is transported to a secure storage location in a shielded container.
- Almost 20 million nuclear medicine procedures and over 100 million laboratory tests using radioisotopes are performed worldwide each year.
- In Canada, the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission licenses over 4000 users of nuclear materials and there are about one million shipments of nuclear material each year.
- These users include: nuclear power plants, educational institutions, government agencies, commercial operations, hospitals and medical facilities
- Shipments are made in accordance with performance standards that are based on international standards developed by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA).
- For small amounts of nuclear materials which have short half-lives and very low levels of radioactivity, all that is needed is a simple cardboard box.
- Larger amounts of highly radioactive nuclear material such as used nuclear fuel, containers have been developed capable of remaining intact during and after catastrophic accidents